Agriculture is the concept of ways and means of exploitation of water resources and energy, which has always been based on many economic, social, political and cultural developments throughout the world in order to meet the needs of people's food and shelter throughout history, so that today agricultural and agricultural development It is a driving force behind the development of rural areas in general.
Sustainable agriculture is a kind of farming that is in the interest of mankind, has more effici... read more
Adjuvant is an additive in a pesticide that, when added to a spray solution, improves the physical properties or modifies and increases the biological activity of the pesticide. Like additiv... read more
Mixing pesticides and fertilizers is combining two or more pesticides or fertilizers together and spraying them on the target plant (pistachio tree, weed, etc.). Mixing pesticides or fertilizers is mainly to save time and money of spraying, while there are several pests and diseases in the garden or farm at the same time. Mixing two or more different pesticides together or mixing them with fertilizers (foliar fertilizers) or combining with adjuvants or additives is an action that is economical and reduces the co... read more
Iron is one of the most important and essential micronutrients for all plants. Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in orchards and agriculture of most agricultural areas of the country. An important point to note is that all micronutrients except molybdenum are inaccessible to plants by increasing the pH of the culture medium, but become absorbable to plants by decreasing the pH of the culture medium. The ideal pH range for plants varies depending on their a... read more
Adjusting the sprayer to spray a certain amount of toxic solution per hectare with a predetermined diameter of the drain and a certain number of drains per square centimeter is called calibration. Calibration is the determination of the amount of toxic solution that is spread by the sprayer in a specific surface unit (... read more