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The role of micronutrients in plant growth

The role of micronutrients in plant growth

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The role of silicon and its application in plants

The role of silicon and its application in plants

Silicon in plants increases the growth and yield of agricultural products, increases tolerance to abiotic stresses such as cold, drought, high and low temperatures, salinity and toxicity due to the accumulation of heavy metals such as aluminum, cadmium, arsenic and manganese and solar radiation. It also increases tolerance to biological stresses such as pests and diseases... read more

Role of sulfur in plants

Role of sulfur in plants

The fourth most important and Consumption element for plants after nitrogen, phosphorus and potash is sulfur, With the difference that plants need this element even more than phosphorus. Due to the fact that most of the soils of the country, especially the soils of the Iranian plateau, are alkaline and calcareous, and on the other hand, the lack of organic matter and bicarbonate of most irrigation water limits the solubility of high nutrients and micronutrients and is practically absorbed. These elements occur s... read more

Potassium and its role in plants

Potassium and its role in plants

Potassium, like nitrogen and phosphorus, is one of the most needed nutrients in plants. The amount of potassium in the earth's crust is about 1.9 to 2.3 percent (the amount of total potassium in agricultural soils is between 0.5 to 2.5 %، However, that part of the total potassium in the soil that can be exchanged or used in the plant is insignificant. The amount of potassium that is absorbed by the plant is equal to the amount of nitrogen used b... read more

The role of copper in the plant

The role of copper in the plant

Copper is mostly involved in the enzymatic activity of the plant. The presence of this element in oxidase-catalase enzyme systems is essential. It is also involved in the production of chloroplasts and electron transfer reactions and activates several enzymes. Copper activates some enzymes that are effective in the synthesis of lignin in plants and is essential in several enzyme systems. It is also required in the process of photosynthesis, is essential in plant respiration and helps in the metabolism of carbohy... read more

Benefits and applications of boron for plants

Benefits and applications of boron for plants

The element boron, abbreviated B, is one of the microelements that affects the growth and health of all plants. Boron is present in the cell wall structure of plants and is involved in the reproduction of all plants. Boron is a mobile element in the soil and is transferable. Since this capability is necessary for microelements in small quantities to meet the needs of the plant, traditional fertilizer feeding has tried to meet the deficiency of this element. However, boron deficiency is... read more




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