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Petroleum Oils > Oil

Product: Emulsifiable Oil

Brand: -

Category: Petroleum Oils

Subcategory: Oil

 Name And Formulation

EC  OIL 80%




 Insecticides and acaricides with the effect of ovulation and facilitate the penetration of pesticides



 n1 to 1.5%, pre-spring and spring with expert opinion-Citrus red mite, Oriental yellow mite, Armored scales, Mummy scales , Soft Scales- Citrus products

n2 to 2.5% , winter before swelling buds with expert opinion-
European red mite and Pear psylla-Cold climate trees

n2 to 2.5 % with expert opinion-Scale insect and Armored scales-Cold climate trees

n1 to 1.5% , winter before swelling buds with expert opinion-Trunk scale and Glover scales-pistachio

n1 to 1.5%, pre- spring with expert opinion-Parlatoria date scale,

Asterolecanium phoenicis- Date

n0.5 to 1% mixed a phosphorus pesticides with expert opinion-

Mealybugs and Privet mite-Tea

n1.5 to 2%, pre- spring with expert opinion-Black scale and Olive scale-Olive

n1%-Acanthococcus abaii- Non-productive trees & Ornamental plants

Avoid mixing this insecticide with Captan fungicide and observe an interval of at least 10 days between oil consumption and fungicide. The oil should never be mixed with sulfur pesticides and there should be at least one month between the consumption of oil and the consumption of sulfur too. Avoid spraying when the air temperature is -1.5 ° C or night frost is possible. Oil should never be consumed without water. Avoid spraying with oil when the air is too hot or too cold.